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Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds...sounds very intriguing. It evokes our imagination and curiosity. But what is it? The virtual world is a computer-based environment that can be managed by an individual. There are so many ways virtual reality can be used! A person can explore any countries/cities/places, or experience activities such as swimming or riding the camel while physically not able to do so, also, it is possible to mentally adjust for something unknown such as flying to the Moon, or it is an advanced way to learn. Actually, the virtual world gives us so many opportunities to improve our knowledge and earn new skills. However, it is very important to know how to use it but not to get addicted to it. According to the article, The virtual world moves into the classroom by Joe Earl, they're taking virtual field trips to faraway places, learning about the lives of refugee families or studying the inner working of volcanos. Virtual reality has so many advantages in different fields like education, military healthcare systems or just as entertainment. It becomes an essential part of the business world. But we need to remember that it also can get out of control for individuals who can not manage their time. In addition to that virtual reality by itself could be really tricky to work with. In my opinion, it is tremendous work to create a decent virtual world platform since it is super detailed, especially nowadays. People who work in this field are really patient, hardworking and very talented. The amount of creativity that has been used so far for the virtual reality is just insane. In the article After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot? by Daine Metha, we can see how complicated virtual reality creation is. It takes a lot of effort and imagination to build even a simple virtual environment. It is scary but exciting to imagine how the virtual world will develop in the future. 

Works Cited

After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot? Apr 30, 2013

The virtual world moves into the classroom Posted by Joe Earle | Sep 14, 2018.


  1. Yes!! The creators and designers of virtual worlds hold an immense amount of both technical skill and creativity. It's really inspiring to see how detailed the simulations get. Game designers are definitely under looked by many people, and I hope in the future they get the recognition they deserve.

  2. Hi Olesia,

    With the advantages that VR brings, it breeds addiction and this topic should be taken into consideration. With the technological developments that VR will achieve, more and more consumers would buy VR technology and it'll probably become one of the main sources of entertainment, learning, and a way of life.


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